How to get a static subdomain

amazon ec2domain-name-system

I have an instance on EC2 that needs to be accessed by some external customers. Unfortunately, their IT network has a whitelist. This whitelist allows domains, but does not allow the static Elastic IP that this public DNS domain maps to nor does it allow the external domain that I mapped to this static IP.

So what I really need is something like http://[MyCompanyAndApp] domain.
Is there a way to get this?

To answer some of your questions below.
The "domain name" I'm referring to is the "generic ip style hostname like".

Yes, it seems they have a whitelist (it's a very secure facility apparently). I've given them this generic ip style hostname and they have no problem accessing it. But giving them the Elastic IP that it maps to doesn't work. Giving them my company's domain that maps to the Elastic IP doesn't work either. (It works for me though)

Best Answer

No, there isn't a way to obtain a static subdomain.