How to get an IP un-blocked from the MTA spam lists !


We are trying to shift our corporate email server from our ISP to the rackspace cloud.
Looks like who ever used the IP (that my virtual server was assigned) before
has abused it for sending a lot of spam.
Now none of the major free email providers – gmail,yahoo, hotmail etc are accepting
mails from this IP as it is on their block list.

Any suggestions for getting that IP address off that list as we now want to use it
for legit mail server.


Best Answer

The only way you will get it off the lists is to contact the Blacklist providers and get them to remove it. Which for some providers is quite straightforward, others not so much.

If this IP was allocated to you by Rackspace recently I would probabley go back to them and get them to give you another IP, rather than having to go to all these providers your self.

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