How to get around restrictive email policies by ISP


Apparently we've been restricted (though packet filtering) to some arbitrarily small and untenable number of emails a day by some bankrupt ISP (and they say that's how it's always been chortle). We've been using our own mail server for the last 15 years, and only recently they've been giving us guff.

Is there a way for a legitimate business to email their clients, who really want to receive these emails, by bypassing the ISP? The way we've been doing it is by breaking up into 20 or 30 emails, but that gets complicated and requires a lot of manual labor by the receptionist, and unless she's really careful we wind up emailing lots of people twice.

So what are my options (Hosted Email, Lithuanian Proxy Server, Different ISP, not writing awful PHP that sends out zillions of emails and gets us blacklisted)?

Best Answer

get vps / cheap dedicated server and set up smtp relay there. use alternative port for smtp [ in worst case even 443 although traffic you'll sent will be smtp ].

remember not to set up open relay - filter based on src ip addres - that would be ip address of your server at current isp. i'm doing this kind of set-up for mass mailing, mostly because ips of shared web hosting i use in one case are blacklisted.

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