How to get data from Jenkins to Confluence (Cloud)


I'm trying to write from jenkins into confluence, but I am having some issues either getting a particular solution to work (configuration? plugin bugs?), or having issues finding appropriate information to implement.

Sample end result:

  • A Jenkins Job queries Cloudflare API and generates a table of DNS entries to enter into confluence.
  • Confluence tracks changes and provides a history (cloudflare doesn't appear to have any auditing functionality

Potential Solution 1 – Confluence Publisher Plugin

  • I've tried this plugin, but it appears to be extremely old (not updated in 4 years, and developer of plugin hasn't shown any noticeable activity in maybe 3 years).
  • We use Atlassians Cloud Confluence, but attempting to do the global configuration and testing the login triggers a generic "username/password not accepted" error when testing with my own credentials.
  • After a number of attempts, the message has changed to too many attempts, and taking the steps listed does not change the error message (re-logging into the standard web UI)

(the code block below won't show up unless there's something between the list above and the code block… serverfault formatting bug?)

 faultCode: {}Server.userException
 faultString: com.atlassian.confluence.rpc.AuthenticationFailedException: Attempt to log in user '' failed. The maximum number of failed login attempts has been reached. Please log into the web application through the web interface to reset the number of failed login attempts.

com.atlassian.confluence.rpc.AuthenticationFailedException: Attempt to log in user '' failed. The maximum number of failed login attempts has been reached. Please log into the web application through the web interface to reset the number of failed login attempts.

Potential Solution 2 – Publish Jenkins to arbitrary host and use iframe macro from confluence

  • EDIT – I may actually be able to make this solution work. I may be an idiot for thinking something here would pose a challenge.
  • Finally, I'd still need to hack on a solution to track changes (push to git?)

Potential Solution 3 – I have discovered that I can likely use the REST API directly. The challenge is making sure the curl call is perfectly formatted (json + html content)

Potential Solution N
– Have I missed something?

Best Answer

I ended up going the REST API route, using jq to parse incoming JSON

First get the page id:

pageID=$(curl -u $Confluence_UserID:$Confluence_Password -X GET \
    "$PageTitle&spaceKey=$Space" \
    | jq -r .results[].id \

Then get the version (version number must be provided and incremented or the update call fails!)

pageVersion=$(curl -u $Confluence_UserID:$Confluence_Password \
    "$pageID?expand=version" \
    | jq .version.number \

Earlier in the jenkins job, it generated the HTML for the confluence page into a file in the workspace. Load that for use below


And the final part, sending the page update

curl -u $Confluence_UserID:$Confluence_Password \
    -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \$pageID \
    --data @- <<END;
    "id": "$pageID",
    "type": "page",
    "title": "$PageTitle",
    "space": {
        "key": "$Space"
    "body": {
        "storage": {
            "value": "$htmlOutput",
            "representation": "storage"
    "version": {
        "number": $pageVersion,
        "minorEdit": true