How to get Jenkins to correctly map the user’s display name and email address


I have a Jenkins instance connected to a directory service for authentication. I configured the display name and email attributes. I have a build checking out a Subversion repository over HTTP (via Apache), which authenticates with the same LDAP.

I expected Jenkins to pull the user from the commit metadata (the svn:author property), map the display name to show in the Changes screen, and map the email address for sending build notifications.

I'm having trouble with both:

  1. Jenkins only shows the user's display name after they log in once. For example, my user name is anthony.mastrean and my display name is Anthony Mastrean. My changes were linked as anthony.mastrean until I logged in.

  2. Jenkins never pulls the email address. It's has this in my user configuration and in the log for the email notifier:


Best Answer

This configuration used to build from a Git-Svn bridge repository. We didn't create that bridge with an authors mapping file. This is the mess that Git makes of the user name to satisfy it's own committer/author email address metadata.


Jenkins was happy to use this information (pulled from the revision metadata) for our users. Maybe or maybe not because we hadn't configured LDAP yet (we did that later).


Oh, an actual answer: we just wiped out the junk email addresses listed for each user and Jenkins happily pulled it from LDAP next time.