How to get node app running on Amazon EC2 instance to start on reboot

amazon ec2amazon-web-serviceselastic-beanstalknode.jsrc.local

So I have Node/Express app running on an Amazon Linux Ec2 instance (VPC). The path to my node app is as follows /home/ec2-user/server/server.js

If I run which forever I get


If I run the following command the node app starts and works.

forever start server.js

If I reboot the server or stop/start then server.js will not run. I have to run forever start server.js from the terminal.

I tried the following ways to get my app to restart with forever and it will NOT restart.


forever start ../home/ec2-user/server/server.js

./.nvm/versions/node/v6.11.5/bin/forever start ../home/ec2-user/server/server.js


description "start kue server"

start on filesystem and started networking
stop on shutdown

  touch /var/log/forever.log
  touch /var/log/stat_out.log
  touch /var/log/stat_err.log
  rm /var/log/forever.log
  rm /var/log/stat_out.log
  rm /var/log/stat_err.log
  forever start -l /var/log/forever.log -o /var/log/stat_out.log -e /var/log/stat_err.log /home/ubuntu/code/StatKue/server.js
end script

crontab -e

forever start /server/server.js 

None of these works and I have spent 3 days trying to get forever to restart my app on reboot?

Best Answer

In your rc.local use the absolute path to the server.js and the forever binary. Also make sure the rc.local is executable, chmod 755 rc.local