How to get Node.JS 0.12.0 running on AWS OpsWorks


I would like to use AWS OpsWorks and as an application layer I would like to use Node.JS v0.12.0. However, I noticed that the latest supported Node version is 0.10.33.

I also noticed that OpsWorks uses a custom Node package – opsworks-node.

So my question is, can I:

  • copy the OpsWorks cookbooks
  • substitute the opsworks-node package with the one from this repo –
  • run the rest of the recipes unchanged

or will that break something (like something which is specific to the opsworks-node package and is not found in the regular node)?

If the above is not feasible, then how should I go about installing Node 0.12.0 using OpsWorks?

Best Answer

The solution was pretty easy with only 1 hiccup.

I used the nodejs cookbook from the Chef Supermarket, which is compatible with the AWS Ubuntu 14.04 AMIs. I used this one in order to get a "regular" install - from a public package/source repository, and not from the repo that AWS maintains. However, the version of that cookbook's node was the same as on AWS - 0.10.x.

To get around that I created a simple wrapper cookbook around the mainline nodejs that overrides the following attributes:

default['nodejs']['version'] = '0.12.0'
default['nodejs']['repo'] = ''

The default recipe then just includes the nodejs cookbook default one.

The only OpsWorks-specific change I needed to cater to (the hiccup) was the node binary location - OpsWorks looks for the node binary in /usr/local/bin/node, while the nodejs cookbook-installed package puts that binary in /usr/bin/nodejs. To fix this, I created a second recipe - create-symlink, which just creates a symlink of the installed binary in /usr/local/bin/.

The wrapper cookbook can be found here (with setup instructions) -

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