How to get proxy.pac or wpad.pad to failover

internet explorerPROXY

What happens when the hosting web or share is unavailable? IE defaults to no proxy and goes direct(ly past my two proxy servers). I'm trying to make the proxy configuration redundant, so if one server hosting proxy.pac or wpad.pad is unavailable, another server takes its place. Would I need DNS to have two WPAD A Records, pointing to what? Thanks. I'm just trying to eliminate IE's single point of failure.

Best Answer

You should be able to include a failover in the wpad file itself. This is the wpad file we use where I work:

function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {

// If URL has no dots in host name, send traffic direct.
    if (isPlainHostName(host))
        return "DIRECT";

// If specific URL needs to bypass proxy, send traffic direct.
    if (shExpMatch(url,"**"))                  
        return "DIRECT";

// All other traffic uses below proxies, in fail-over order.
    return "PROXY; PROXY";


Does this not work for you?