How to get sync status on headless dropbox install


I have Dropbox running on a Debian server. I'd like to be able to find out the sync status – like you get when you right-click the dropbox icon in Windows, e.g. "Downloading 123 files" or "All up-to-date".

I'm sure there's a way but Google is apparently not my friend on this one.

Pls. note that I'm talking about the headless server install of dropbox, not the more common dropbox + dropbox-nautilus set up used for a typical linux desktop.

Best Answer

It looks like you need to download the dropbox script for managing the daemon. Instructions on the dropbox website

wget -O ~/
chmod a+x ~/
~/ status

You can also create a symlink to your dropbox script, so you don't have to type ~/ to run it every time.

sudo ln -s ~/ /usr/local/bin/dropbox
dropbox status
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