How to get the Active Directory user ID

active-directorysidversion controlvisualsvn-server

Firstly, I don't even know whether the "user ID" is the correct term here.

The context is that I'm using VisualSVN Server to manage / administer access rights on my SVN repositories with Windows Authentication, and the authz-windows file it creates contains 45 character long strings instead of "human-readable" user or group names.

I need to edit this file by hand, so how do I find out what the magic string is associated with a particular user or group?

Best Answer

The authz-windows file maps Active Directory user and group SIDs (objectSid LDAP field).

But note that values of this field in AD stores as hexadecimal, so you can use some previous answers to determine assotiated user IDs.

(PowerShell example on StackOverflow.)