How to get the basic mail command in ubuntu 10 to work


I am a college lecturer to whom the task of supporting the students' Linux Server has fallen. My students just need to use the mail command to communicate with me and each other. I thought mail would be there by default but it wasn't. I have tried all the advice I found on the Internet and tried to install mailutils, sendmail, mailx, exim4 and postfix. There were more but I can't remember them all now. After installing (if it works – some of them don't), when I try to send a message they all give me:
/usr/sbin/sendmail: file or directory not found.
I don't need anything fancy – we don't need to access remote email, just locally on our server.
Incidentally the same problems are occurring on the physical server and my test virtual machine, installed at different times but both Ubuntu 10.
Can anyone help me?