How to Give Users Permission to Send Email from a Distribution List


Basically what I'm trying to do is this:

We've developed a website which will send out an email (using smtp) as When somebody replies to an email from the address it actually goes to a distribution list configured in Exchange 2010.

I'd then like for the people on that distro to be able to reply to the email as the distribution list rather than as their personal email address.

Can somebody tell me how to go about setting this up in Exchange 2010? Is there a better method to do this (perhaps creating the distro as a user and then having their email forwarded to a distro and granting people permission to send as?)?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You can reply as a distribution group. You just need to make the modifications in Active Directory or in powershell instead of the EMC.

Add the Send-As permission to the distribution group for the distribution group. That way all members of the DG can send mail as that address. (note this can take up to 3 hours to filter through all the cached permissions in exchange)

Note If you send to an internal user as the distribution group it will appear as the actual user that sent it. So make sure you verify by sending it to an external address.

Here is some sample powershell code (this requires importing the active directory module):

Add-ADPermission -Identity GroupName -user GroupName -ExtendedRights "Send-as"