How to image a GCE instance with multiple persistent disks


I'm looking for a way to snapshot/image a Google Cloud instance that uses multiple disks. From what I've found so far, this does not seem to be supported, as I haven't seen a way to create an image that references more than one disk. I'm surprised if this isn't available, as Amazon has had that functionality for a long time. There you can simply issue a command to create an image from an existing instance, and it will automatically snapshot all disks attached to the instance and include them in the image, such that launching a new instance from the image creates all new disks based off the snapshots. Is there a way to do this easily in GCE that I am missing, or does it just require custom scripting?

Best Answer

The only option at present is to create snapshots/images of the VM Instance boot and the additional disks, however there is a feature request so that this feature can be made available in the future. There is no ETA but any updates can be checked on this link above.

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