How to implement the HTTPS protocol between a web server and web browser


What are the requirements to implement the HTTPS protocol?
I know that I need an HTTPS server that contains a certificate.
Please guide me to implement HTTPS.

Best Answer

Depends on the web server. Typically, you need:

  • Port 443 (or whatever port you're using) open on the virtual site (for Apache that's the Listen directive in the VirtualHost section of your config file, in IIS you have to add a host header)
  • A valid security certificate
  • A credible issuing authority if you're using this for a public website and don't want a security warning from the browser (something like Verisign, Thawte, RapidSSL, etc.)
  • A unique IP address (or rather, the IP/port combination you're using has to end up serving the website)
  • The firewall port open for 443 (or whatever port you're using)