How to install additional hard drives into a Dell EqualLogic PS4000


We have a PS4000 that came with 8 drives. We have bought an additional 8 drives from Dell to fully populate the SAN but I can't find any information to confirm that it's as simple as just popping them…

Documentation at refers to a two minute delay before initialisation when you insert additional drives but doesn't have much more to say on the issue. Am I missing something obvious?

Best Answer

I have personally done this with a ps4000, so long as the disks are the same as the other 8 it is literally a case of pulling out the empty caddys and putting the new disks in while live. As soon as you fill the rest of the slots the array will start rebuilding across the new disks. N.B. if you don't already have a UPS attached it is a good idea to do so before doing this, in theory you could survive a power outage during a raid expansion but I wouldn't push your luck!