How to install CentOS 5.4 as VMWare ESXi 4.0 guest remotely


I have VMWare ESXi 4.0 preinstalled on the server with IP A. I also can use IPs B and C. I have KVM access to this server and I can connect to it using vSphere Client. CentOS iso-image isn't on the server.

My task is to create two virtual machines on this host and install CentOS 5.4 on both. Then I have to configure network, so guest1 is accessible on IP B and guest2 is accessible on IP C.

Can anyone provide me a brief howto on this topic? I tried to find it, but found nothing.

Best Answer

If you're building two or more VMs from a single .ISO then I'd use the vSphere Client to copy the .ISO file to a host-accessible datastore and then point the VM's CD drives to that, it'll be much faster than linking to a remote file as it'll have direct access to the file.