How to install specific version of sphinx via apt-get on Ubuntu precise


I want to install a specific version of sphinx on my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS server. I'm using Chef but I think that's incidental to my question.

I know generally one can do:

apt-get install some_package=version

However I cannot seem to find the correct version number/name for sphinx 2.2.4. I have tried the following:


And I get Version '2.2.4-4699-0ubuntu10' for 'sphinxsearch' was not found (or similiar).

You can see the package listed here. I have already added the PPA and updated.

What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

Ah, it turned out that adding the PPA had failed so its packages weren't available.

Adding the PPA failed because the add-apt-repository command wasn't available. This was resolved by first apt-get install python-software-properties.

Here's the complete solution:

apt-get install python-software-properties
add-apt-repository -y ppa:builds/sphinxsearch-daily
apt-get -y update

# inspect the available packages
apt-cache policy sphinxsearch

apt-get install -y sphinxsearch=2.2.4-4699-0ubuntu10