Red Hat – How to Install the htpasswd Utility in Red Hat/Scientific Linux?


For apache, there is the htpasswd utility, which can be used to generate encrypted passwords for .htaccess access restriction etc. In Ubuntu I can install it via the apache2-utils package, but in Scientific Linux (Red Hat) I find only the following package, when I do yum search htpasswd:

perl-Apache-Htpasswd.noarch : Manage Unix crypt-style password file

but this does not seem to be the package I'm looking for, since it does not include the htpasswd command, and also when I do apt-cache search htpasswd in Ubuntu, I get:

libapache-htpasswd-perl - Manage Unix crypt-style password file
lighttpd - A fast webserver with minimal memory footprint
nanoweb - HTTP server written in PHP
apache2-utils - utility programs for webservers

… where the first one is quite obviously the one corresponding to the one I found for Red Hat above(?).

So, is there any equivalent to the apache2-utils package, or any other package including the htpassd utility, for Red Hat/Scientific Linux? At least I can't find it …

Best Answer

Try yum provides \*bin/htpasswd