How to keep general internet traffic off Windows 2008 R2 VPN and only handle VPN traffic


I just set up a Windows Server 2008 R2 VPN that uses SSTP, and everything works wonderfully. Connection is fast, and setup is EXTREMELY simple for domain users with Vista and Windows 7.

The only problem is that ALL traffic is getting routed through the VPN connection. Folks at home or on networks outside our office network have faster Internet connections, but because they're being routed through our office connection, they are limited by that connection. Further, that means that the office connection is being shared by all users while connected.

I would like to know how to route non-office-network related traffic through the local adapters rather than on the VPN. Anyone have experience with this?

Best Answer

Use the CMAK to create a connectoid that has the option to not use the remote connection as the default gateway. Deploy that connectoid to your users. If you can't deploy the connectoid, simply have your users edit the properties of the connection thusly: Properties >> Networking Tab >> TCP/IP v4 properties >> Advanced >> Disable "Use default gateway on remote network". Works like a charm.