How to keep load-balanced servers synced even with deleted files

load balancingrsyncsynchronization

I've recently setup a loadbalanced solution for our websites. We host about 200 sites, most run of our custom application, but some are running wordpress blogs (in which files can be uploaded/deleted). The setup is basic:

          |-------------------> Apache1
 HAProxy -|
          |-------------------> Apache2

I've set up Apache1 as a 'master', so that most of the changes made on it are rsync'd over to Apache2 every minute using the following command:

rsync -av --delete apache1:/var/www/html/ /var/www/html/

The problem is, as mentioned earlier, in some cases files are added/removed on Apache2. The only solution I've come up with so far is to have Apache1 rsync all files in certain directories (wp-content, for instance) to itself (not delete), then push everything back to Apache2.

This has it's flaws, the main ones being:

  • The two servers will eventually get extra files that have been deleted on Apache2
  • As I add more servers, the rsync script will take longer to complete.

Are there any ways to keep 2+ web servers synched, taking into account that both servers can have files added, updated and deleted?

Best Answer

I'm using OCFS2 with DRBD.

A DRBD resource /etc/drbd.d/r0.res:

resource r0 {
    syncer { rate 1000M; }
    net {
        after-sb-0pri discard-zero-changes;
        after-sb-1pri discard-secondary;
        after-sb-2pri disconnect;
    startup { become-primary-on both; }

    on s1 {
        device      /dev/drbd1;
        disk        /dev/sdc;
        address     ip1:7789;
        meta-disk   internal;
    on s2 {
        device      /dev/drbd1;
        disk        /dev/xvdb2;
        address     ip2:7789;
        meta-disk   internal;

/dev/drbd1 is formatted as ocfs2 filesystem:

/dev/drbd1   ocfs2   100660180   7427076  93233104   8% /data/webroot

Configuration for OCFS2 without Pacemaker /etc/ocfs2/cluster.conf:

    ip_port = 7777
    ip_address = ip1
    number = 0
    name = s1
    cluster = ocfs2

    ip_port = 7777
    ip_address = ip2
    number = 1
    name = s2
    cluster = ocfs2

    node_count = 2
    name = ocfs2

DRBD status can be looked at with drbd-overview utility:

# drbd-overview 
  1:r0  Connected Primary/Primary UpToDate/UpToDate C r---- /data/webroot ocfs2 96G 9.8G 87G 11% 

or from /proc/drbd:

cat /proc/drbd 
version: 8.3.8 (api:88/proto:86-94)
GIT-hash: d78846e52224fd00562f7c225bcc25b2d422321d build by, 2010-06-04 08:04:09

 1: cs:Connected ro:Primary/Primary ds:UpToDate/UpToDate C r----
    ns:953133955 nr:42207234 dw:1185526354 dr:62396241 al:230084 bm:5853 lo:0 pe:0 ua:0 ap:0 ep:1 wo:b oos:0