How to keep MinIO backed up

amazon s3backup

We're running MinIO internally for object storage. Ideally, we'd like to be able to do backups the same way that would with other important data. Ideally, we'd like to be able to take snapshots hourly, nightly, weekly with rotation rules about how long to keep each.

While I know about mc mirror or rsync sort of backup solutions, those are really there to give you a mirror copy of your data, that isn't as helpful to prevent accidental deletions or say if you corrupted an object by accident.

Best Answer

So I had a quick play around with MinIO and it looks like it simply stores it's data on the local filesystem. But if you start it with docker, you're going to have the data end up inside the container filesystem. So I'd recommend you create a data container and backup from that container, or simply bind mount to the host.

Then, you can use any tool that does regular backups style backups.

A very lightweight one based on rsync is rsnapshot? It uses rsync but doesn't mirror deletions and stuff. And you get an optimal difference backup at the other end.

Otherwise the more traditional backup software like bacula would work well. I have a friend who uses that and swears by it.

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