How to label the network ports in our office


We have a new office that was punched down with Ethernet in every office and every cubicle. The electrician didn't mark the ports on the patch panel or the wall ports, so I don't know where say port 1 on the patch panel goes in the office.

I've heard of people using a tone generator to figure out where the cables are but I'm not sure what that entails. I was also thinking of looking up ARP entries on our switches to find out what port is getting what MAC address and then cross referencing it with a list of MAC addresses on all of the PCs in the office. This sounds unreliable though.

Is there a quick and easy way to label these ports?

Best Answer

You're better off using a tone generator/probe kit. It's going to be quicker in the long run and less prone to incorrect results.

I would suggest using a different wiring contractor next time and specifiying that you need them to label the ports at the jack and the patch panel.