How to list DHCP options sent to a client from a DHCP server in Windows


How does one list the options that are sent to a client from a DHCP server in Windows? Using PowerShell or the command line?

Best Answer

The best way to would be to use something like WireShark to view DHCP packets.

However, the DHCP options are stored in the registry, look in the key Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces

It is raw data, but you can use this script to decipher some of it, from the website

# Name        : ReadDhcpOptions.ps1
# Author      : Ingmar Verheij -
# Version     : 1.0, 12 july 2013
# Description : Shows the Dhcp options received by all Dhcp enabled NICs

function Convert-ByteArrayToString {
# Returns the string representation of a System.Byte[] array.
# ASCII string is the default, but Unicode, UTF7, UTF8 and
# UTF32 are available too.
#.Parameter ByteArray
# System.Byte[] array of bytes to put into the file. If you
# pipe this array in, you must pipe the [Ref] to the array.
# Also accepts a single Byte object instead of Byte[].
#.Parameter Encoding
# Encoding of the string: ASCII, Unicode, UTF7, UTF8 or UTF32.
# ASCII is the default.
[CmdletBinding()] Param (
 [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline = $True)] [System.Byte[]] $ByteArray,
 [Parameter()] [String] $Encoding = "ASCII"
switch ( $Encoding.ToUpper() )
 "ASCII" { $EncodingType = "System.Text.ASCIIEncoding" }
 "UNICODE" { $EncodingType = "System.Text.UnicodeEncoding" }
 "UTF7" { $EncodingType = "System.Text.UTF7Encoding" }
 "UTF8" { $EncodingType = "System.Text.UTF8Encoding" }
 "UTF32" { $EncodingType = "System.Text.UTF32Encoding" }
 Default { $EncodingType = "System.Text.ASCIIEncoding" }
$Encode = new-object $EncodingType

#Fill an array with the "DHCP Message Type 53 values" from
#(the dirty way)
$DhcpMessageType53Values+= @("")
$DhcpMessageType53Values+= @("DHCPDISCOVER")
$DhcpMessageType53Values+= @("DHCPOFFER")
$DhcpMessageType53Values+= @("DHCPREQUEST")
$DhcpMessageType53Values+= @("DHCPDECLINE")
$DhcpMessageType53Values+= @("DHCPACK")
$DhcpMessageType53Values+= @("DHCPNAK")
$DhcpMessageType53Values+= @("DHCPRELEASE")
$DhcpMessageType53Values+= @("DHCPINFORM")
$DhcpMessageType53Values+= @("DHCPFORCERENEW")
$DhcpMessageType53Values+= @("DHCPLEASEQUERY")
$DhcpMessageType53Values+= @("DHCPLEASEUNASSIGNED")
$DhcpMessageType53Values+= @("DHCPLEASEUNKNOWN")
$DhcpMessageType53Values+= @("DHCPLEASEACTIVE")
$DhcpMessageType53Values+= @("DHCPBULKLEASEQUERY")
$DhcpMessageType53Values+= @("DHCPLEASEQUERYDONE")

#Read dhcp-option information from CSV (ignore if the file can't be read)
try {$dhcpOptionDetails = @(); $dhcpOptionDetails = Import-Csv "DhcpOptions.csv" -Delimiter ";"} catch { }
try {$dhcpOptionVSDetails = @(); $dhcpOptionVSDetails = Import-Csv "DhcpOptionsVS.csv" -Delimiter ";" } catch { }

#Iterate through NIC's with IP obtained via DHCP
$objWin32NAC = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -namespace "root\CIMV2" -computername "." -Filter "IPEnabled = 'True' AND DHCPEnabled ='True'" 
foreach ($objNACItem in $objWin32NAC) 

    #Write adapter neame
    Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor White "Reading DHCP options of NIC "
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $objNACItem.Caption 
    Write-Host ""

    #Write IP information
    Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor White "  IP address : " 
    Write-Host ((Get-ItemProperty -Path ("HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\{0}" -f $objNACItem.SettingID) -Name DhcpIPAddress).DhcpIPAddress)
    Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor White "  DHCP server: " 
    #Write DHCP options
    Write-Host ((Get-ItemProperty -Path ("HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\{0}" -f $objNACItem.SettingID) -Name DhcpServer).DhcpServer)
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor White "  Options    :" 
    #Read DHCP options
    $DhcpInterfaceOptions = (Get-ItemProperty -Path ("HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\{0}" -f $objNACItem.SettingID) -Name DhcpInterfaceOptions).DhcpInterfaceOptions
    $DhcpOptions = @(); for ( $i = 0 ; $i -lt 256; $i++ ) { $DhcpOptions += @("") }
    $DhcpVendorSpecificOptions = @(); for ( $i = 0 ; $i -lt 256; $i++ ) { $DhcpVendorSpecificOptions += @("") }
    #Iterate through DHCP options
    $intPosition = 0
    while ($intPosition -lt $DhcpInterfaceOptions.length) 
        #Read Dhcp code 
        $DhcpOptionCode = $DhcpInterfaceOptions[$intPosition]
        $intPosition = $intPosition + 8 #shift 8 bytes
        #Read length
        $DhcpOptionLength = $DhcpInterfaceOptions[$intPosition]
        $intPosition = $intPosition + 4 #shift 4 bytes
        #Is this a vendor specific option?
        $DhcpIsVendorSpecific = $DhcpInterfaceOptions[$intPosition]
        $intPosition = $intPosition + 4 #shift 4 bytes
        #Read "unknown data"
        $DhcpUnknownData = ""
        for ($i=0; $i -lt 4; $i++) { $DhcpUnknownData = $DhcpUnknownData + $DhcpInterfaceOptions[$intPosition + $i] }
        $intPosition = $intPosition + 4 #shift 4 bytes
        #Read value
        if (($DhcpOptionLength % 4) -eq 0) {$DhcpOptionBytesToRead = ($DhcpOptionLength - ($DhcpOptionLength % 4))} else {$DhcpOptionBytesToRead = ($DhcpOptionLength - ($DhcpOptionLength % 4)+4)}
        $DhcpOptionValue = New-Object Byte[] $DhcpOptionBytesToRead
        for ($i=0; $i -lt $DhcpOptionLength; $i++) { $DhcpOptionValue[$i] = $DhcpInterfaceOptions[$intPosition + $i] }
        $intPosition = $intPosition + $DhcpOptionBytesToRead #shift the number of bytes read
        #Add option to (vendor specific) array
        if ($DhcpIsVendorSpecific -eq 0)
           $DhcpOptions[$DhcpOptionCode] = $DhcpOptionValue
        } else {
           $DhcpVendorSpecificOptions[$DhcpOptionCode] = $DhcpOptionValue
    #Show Dhcp Options
    for ( $i = 0 ; $i -lt 256; $i++ ) 
        #Is this option 43 (vendor specific)?
        if ($i -ne 43)
                $DhcpOptionIndex = $i
                $DhcpOptionValue = $DhcpOptions[$DhcpOptionIndex]
                if ($DhcpOptionValue) { 
                    $dhcpOptionName = ($dhcpOptionDetails | Where-Object {$_.Code -eq $DhcpOptionIndex}).Name; if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($dhcpOptionName)) {$dhcpOptionName = (" ({0})" -f $dhcpOptionName)}
                    $dhcpOptionType = ($dhcpOptionDetails | Where-Object {$_.Code -eq $DhcpOptionIndex}).Type; if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($dhcpOptionType)) {$dhcpOptionType = "unknown"}
                    Write-Host -NoNewline ("  - {0}{1}: " -f $DhcpOptionIndex, ($dhcpOptionName))
                    switch ($dhcpOptionType.ToLower())
                        "ip" {Write-Host ("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}" -f ($DhcpOptionValue[0], $DhcpOptionValue[1], $DhcpOptionValue[2], $DhcpOptionValue[3]))}
                        "string" {Write-Host (Convert-ByteArrayToString $DhcpOptionValue)}
                        "time" { Write-host ("{0} seconds" -f [Convert]::ToInt32(($DhcpOptionValue[0].ToString("X2") + $DhcpOptionValue[1].ToString("X2") + $DhcpOptionValue[2].ToString("X2") + $DhcpOptionValue[3].ToString("X2")), 16) ) }
                        "dhcpmsgtype" { Write-Host ("{0} ({1})" -f $DhcpOptionValue[0], $DhcpMessageType53Values[$DhcpOptionValue[0]])}
                        default { Write-Host ($DhcpOptionValue | ForEach {$_.ToString("X2")}) }
        } else {
            Write-Host ("  - {0} (vendor specific)" -f $i)
            for ( $j = 0 ; $j -lt 256; $j++ ) 
                $DhcpOptionIndex = $j
                $DhcpOptionValue = $DhcpVendorSpecificOptions[$DhcpOptionIndex]
                if ($DhcpOptionValue) { 
                    $dhcpOptionName = ($dhcpOptionVSDetails | Where-Object {$_.Code -eq $DhcpOptionIndex}).Name; if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($dhcpOptionName)) {$dhcpOptionName = (" ({0})" -f $dhcpOptionName)}
                    $dhcpOptionType = ($dhcpOptionVSDetails | Where-Object {$_.Code -eq $DhcpOptionIndex}).Type; if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($dhcpOptionType)) {$dhcpOptionType = "unknown"}
                    Write-Host -NoNewline ("     - {0}{1}: " -f $DhcpOptionIndex, ($dhcpOptionName))
                    switch ($dhcpOptionType.ToLower())
                        "ip" {Write-Host ("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}" -f ($DhcpOptionValue[0], $DhcpOptionValue[1], $DhcpOptionValue[2], $DhcpOptionValue[3]))}
                        "string" {Write-Host (Convert-ByteArrayToString $DhcpOptionValue)}
                        "time" { Write-host ("{0} seconds" -f [Convert]::ToInt32(($DhcpOptionValue[0].ToString("X2") + $DhcpOptionValue[1].ToString("X2") + $DhcpOptionValue[2].ToString("X2") + $DhcpOptionValue[3].ToString("X2")), 16) ) }
                        "dhcpmsgtype" { Write-Host ("{0} ({1})" -f $DhcpOptionValue[0], $DhcpMessageType53Values[$DhcpOptionValue[0]])}
                        default { Write-Host ($DhcpOptionValue | ForEach {$_.ToString("X2")}) }
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host ""