How to loop over all minions in a pillar top file


I would like to add some generic pillar data to minions based on roles, but also offer a way to customize each machine based on hostname (minion id).

In my pillar/top.sls file I have

    - pkgs/common-ubuntu-pkg
    - fail2ban/config
    - runit/package
    - users/vmuser
    - match: grain
    - mysql/defaults

And then I want to add something like this:

{% for host in pillar %}
     - {{host}}/passwords
{% endfor %}

Which works, but it only prints out 'master'. I'm using master-less salt-ssh, so I believe that's why the minions in the roster are not already in the pillar. I would like a different way to loop over defined minions, but I can't seem to easily get a view of what is in the salt dictionary.

{% for key in salt %}
       - foobar
{% endfor %}

Trying to debug using something like the above results in a KeyError

Best Answer

The solution relied not in using jinja in the file, but using an external pillar plugin.

The external pillar plugin "file_tree" looks under a root_dir for directories hosts and nodegroups. Matching minion_ids as directories under root_dir/hosts/, it will add all .sls files as pillar data to that host/minion.

#in /etc/salt/master
  - file_tree:
      root_dir: /srv/salt/my-pillars/
      follow_dir_links: False
      raw_data: False

#on disk