Ansible – How to Loop Through Interface Facts


The setup module from ansible provides the fact ansible_interfaces

"ansible_interfaces": [

And per interface some facts:

"ansible_eth0": {
    "active": true, 
    "device": "eth0", 
    "ipv4": {
        "address": "", 
        "broadcast": "", 
        "netmask": "", 
        "network": ""
    "macaddress": "52:54:00:5c:c1:36", 
    "module": "virtio_net", 
    "mtu": 1500, 
    "pciid": "virtio0", 
    "promisc": false, 
    "type": "ether"

How do I use the ansible_interfaces fact to loop through the available interfaces?

    - name: find interface facts
      debug: msg=ansible_{{ item }}
      with_items: "{{ ansible_interfaces }}"

This is clearly not working, because it prints out the strings ansible_lo, ansible_eth0 and ansible_eth1, but I want it to print the facts from those interfaces. Some servers have other interfaces, like bridges, so I don't know in advance wich interfaces to use.

p.s. this example is not very usefull, but eventually I want to use it to store facts like macaddresses in elasticsearch for easy searching which server has which macaddress.

Best Answer

You came across one of the limitations of Jinja/Ansible templating, namely there is no way to evaluate expressions, which would be required to get to the value of something like ansible_{{ item }}. You're stuck with a string.

Fortunately there is the global hostvars object where you can access all the facts by key, which is... a string.

Something along these lines should get you there:

  - name: find interface facts
      msg: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_%s' | format(item)] }}"
    with_items: "{{ ansible_interfaces }}"