How to make a shared web hosting setup with dynamic vhosts


We are building a sort of shared hosting web server setup, but everything is managed by a web application on which has default apache user (www-data) to access everyone’s files.

Everybody has a user_name, and their web_root is

We are creating dynamic virtual hosts using



we do

chown 770 user_name:www-data -R [some_root_folder]/[user_name]

We do not wish to create separate vhosts because that requires apache reload on each signup (i will ask your opinion on creating separate vhosts using mpm-itk on another entry).


If user_michael executes:

<?php echo file_get_contents(‘../user_george/index.php’); ?>

Michael is able to read George’s files because both directories belong to www-data user group (otherwise our web app can’t modify them)

So: How can www-data can modify both Michael's and George's files, but they can't modify each other's, given setup above?

Best Answer

When you run file_get_contents, the user which is reading the ../user_george/index.php file is the same as the web server (www-data) not the owner of the file.

PHP Safe Mode is a solution for this issue, but is deprecated. I'd recommend to check this series for solutions about Security in Shared Hosting.

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