Networking – How to Make Client C and B Receive DHCP from Client A


Using VMWare Workstation 7.1, Client A is my Linux server with Slackware 13.1, I have set it up as bridge so i can access it from my external network, Client B will be a Windows XP and C will be a Vista Home.

  • What setup do i need to do on the VMWare so Client B and C would look like into a switch where Client A is the one that tell them which network they will have ?

Normally if it was 3 computers on a switch this would be a simple:

Client A (server) on the wan port and the clients B and C on port 1 and 2 and my server would have a DHCP server on to provide it.

But on the VM it seems different so I am not sure on how do I link them. Initially i did not make the VM's inside a Team do I need to copy/move them as a Team as well ?

Appreciate any information that can help out on how it has to be setup, if i have to create a different network or w/e within the VMWare Workstation.

What i want is client B to be into a VLAN and C into another VLAN where both VLANs are handled by client A.

so VLAN 1 and VLAN 2 would not see each other but would both be handled by Client A dhcp server.

Client A has eth0 as internet, so eth1 would be the dhcp server.

And what i don't know is how do i setup that on the VMWare, if i have to create a new network device on Client A that will take with both VLANs or what…

If doing the 2 VLANs is not possible knowing how to acomplish 1 VLAN would be ok aswell.

Best Answer

If you want to provide DHCP from A Client, you should not use Bridged Networking but Host Only. Indeed except if you want your Client A to offer DHCP Leases on your whole Lan, you shoud edit every VM and choose Host-Only Networking. By this way you will be able to make your vms interact the way you want. Before that you will need to disable the DHCP on the Host-Only Interface. For that click on Edit then virtual Network Editor. You will see the interfaces already set up choose Host Only and uncheck Use Local DHCP ...... at the bottom of the window.

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