How to make Putty remember window size/position


I would like Putty (or the OS – WinXP) to remember the size/position of the window. The rows/columns settings only affects the work area, but does not "zoom in". I would like the same effect as I get when I drag the window border and the content of the putty window resizes accordingly.

Best Answer

When you resize the window in putty, it by default changes the number of rows and columns in the terminal. This is the same thing as setting the rows and columns for the session configuration.

When I change the rows and columns for a session before I start it, I get the same effect as if I'd dragged the window to this size.

Perhaps this isn't your question. Are you remember to save the session? The Putty interface is sorta silly. Load up your saved session, change the columns and rows by clicking "Window" in the tree, then click "Session" in the tree and then "Save". Now whenever you load the session your newly chosen window size will load.