How to make the proxy server use a proxy to access another proxy


I need to set up a HTTP proxy server (call it server A) for users to access Internet. For some reason, it needs to forward all the requests to another HTTP proxy server (call it server C). But C is not directly accessible by A, unless by using another HTTP proxy server B.

User --> A --> B --> C

Proxy server A and C is controlled by me and I can install anything or configure anything on them. But B is a existing HTTP transparent proxy which I cannot control or configure.

I don't know which software can support this kind of "proxy chaining forwarding".

Do squid or privoxy or other software support this?

Best Answer

I'm not sure, but try to Squid cache_peer.

First, add C:

cache_peer C_ADDRESS parent 8080 0 no-query no-digest
never_direct allow all

Then try change cache_peer to B address:

cache_peer B_ADDRESS parent 8080 0 no-query no-digest
never_direct allow all
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