How to make the task scheduler display the cmd shell when invoking a batch file


I am using Windows 2008 R2 and I am trying to schedule my application in the Task Scheduler.
I have created a batch with the right settings.

The problem I have is: I need to display the Cmd shell window (with the bat running), but the task scheduler launches the application in the background and the Cmd window is no where to seen.

I tried different things from the task scheduler:

- cmd /c start ...MyProgram.bat does not work.
- I tried calling my batch directly does not work.
- I also tried a piece of vbs script with does not work either.

What did I miss?
How can I resolve this?

Best Answer

I don't think the task scheduler GUI gives any way to run an interactive task. But the AT command does appear to. I found this article on technet that describes (among other things) the /interactive switch for the AT command.