How to make Varnish ignore, not delete cookies


I want to use Varnish to cache certain pages even in the presence of cookies. There are 3 possibilities that I need to take care of:

  1. An anonymous user is viewing some page
  2. A logged in user is viewing some page with light customization. These customizations are all stored in a signed-cookie and are dynamically populated by Javascript. The vary-cookie http header is not set.
  3. A logged in user is viewing some page with customized data from the database. The vary-cookie http header is set.

The expected behaviors would be:

  1. Cache the page. This is the most basic scenario for Varnish to handle.
  2. Cache the page and do not delete the cookie because some Javascript logic needs it.
  3. Never cache this page because vary-cookie is signalling the cookie contents will affect the output of this page.

I have read some docs on Varnish and I cannot tell if this is the default behavior or if there is some setup I have to do in VCL to make it happen.

Best Answer

By default Varnish doesn't cache requests with a Cookie header:

  sub vcl_recv {
  if (req.http.Authorization || req.http.Cookie) {
        /* Not cacheable by default */
        return (pass);
    return (lookup);

You need to code the behaviour you want into the configuration. Be aware that the Cookie is part of the client request, not the "page" (object, really). The "page" (object) comes with a "Set-Cookie" header - that's the one that will be cached.

Also, "Vary: Cookie" doesn't mean "do not cache". It means cache one object for every value of Cookie received.

If your application doesn't generate any content based on Cookie, it's probably safe to ignore it:

-      if (req.http.Authorization || req.http.Cookie) {
+      if (req.http.Authorization) {

Do some tests and you will get the hang of it. Hope this helps.