DNS Zone – How to Manage All Domains with Minimal Configuration


This is a Canonical Question about DNS server administration.

I have one hundred or so domains. All of these domains need to be configured identically, but it seems like a huge waste of time to have to configure a new zone and/or zonefile for every one of these domains. There has to be a better way to automate this!

I think I'm on to something…if I create a zone called ., or use some other feature in my DNS software to always return a specific IP when an A record is requested, this seems to get me pretty close to my desired end result. My server is responding authoritatively to the requests and it's so much easier to manage!

This was working great until nameserver validation software started checking these domains. I figured out that I can make most of the errors go away by adding NS records, but my software won't let me put more than one SOA record in the same zone file.

How do I work around this multiple SOA record problem?

Best Answer

Unless I'm misunderstanding the question, I do this regularly with BIND, and it seems to be fine as long as each zone is absolutely identical.

On my primary nameserver, I have named.conf entries that point to the generic zonefile, eg

zone "example.com" {
        type master;
        file "primary/example.GENERIC";

zone "example.co.uk" {
        type master;
        file "primary/example.GENERIC";

and then a zonefile primary/example.GENERIC which says, eg

;; Start of Authority
@       IN      SOA     ns.teaparty.net. dns.gatekeeper.ltd.uk. (
                        2004091201      ; serial number YYYYMMDDNN
                        28800           ; refresh  8 hours
                        7200            ; retry    2 hours
                        864000          ; expire  10 days
                        3600 )          ; min ttl  1 day
;;      Name Servers
                IN      NS      ns.teaparty.net.
                IN      NS      ns2.teaparty.net.

And I'm not aware of any problems with these zones at all. I'm open to being told that I've misunderstood the question, or that my domains in fact don't work, but until then I think it works for me.

Note that you cannot pull the same trick on the secondary; each zone will require a different file to be stored in. But since the contents of that file will be populated and kept up-to-date by zone xfers from the primary, this isn't a huge deal.