How to manually extract a backup set made by duplicity


I have a set of files on my webserver produced by duplicity software:

  • duplicity-full.20110315T085334Z.vol1.difftar.gz
  • duplicity-full.20110315T085334Z.vol2.difftar.gz
  • duplicity-full.20110315T085334Z.vol3.difftar.gz
  • etc… (50 files, total size about 1 Gb)

Backup has been made without encryption.

My current hoster haven't duplicity on his server and don't want to install it. How can I unpack these files using remote SSH access? Maybe there is some bash-script available to do that?

Best Answer

How about download the required archive and then make like this: duplicity scp:// restored_dir (example from official site)

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