How to measure dns queries per second


If you're not running your own dns server (or if you must run your own to do this assume you are) how would you measure how many DNS queries per second you get for your domain?
Is there anyway to tell if a web request came using your DNS server as the authoritative source or a cached result?

The idea is to be able to tell if you are adequately able to meet demand with your existing DNS server.

Best Answer

Short answer: In your situation you have no way of telling.

If you have DNS hosted for you I would suggest contacting the hosting provider to discuss the matter. It's pretty certain they won't be prepared to give you access to the logs or any other real information but they should at least be able to give you an indication of whether their system is coping well of not. I imagine their system is providing DNS for other customers as well as yourself, so if it wasn't keeping pace they would be getting complaints.