How to monitor DNS queries on a Win 2003 server


Our main DNS server (Windows 2003 server) answers for 400+ domains. How can I see which domains it gets most queries for? Is there a way to get statistics/graphs for this?

Best Answer

There is no built-in statistics mechanism to give you any kind of per-domain query statistics.

Off the top of my head I can think of two things you could do:

  • Use Wireshark (probably the "text only" version, "tshark") to capture incoming DNS queries to files. You could parse the files and report on them.

  • Turn on the "Debug Logging" functionality on the DNS server (in the "Properties" for the DNS server), ticking only the boxes for "Incoming", "UDP", "Queries", and "Request". You'll have to parse the log file that the DNS server generates, but it may be easier than parsing output from Wireshark.

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