How to mount Solaris Hard Drive


I have received a HDD. It has single partition with id 42 SFS covering the whole partition. But I am reliably told that it came from Sun Fire XXXX (where XXXX is 15 hundred or thousand or something like that).

Please help me to mount it.

I'm sure that it is not SFS.

Running strings against the device shows loads of files/text etc.

I've tried mounting it as UFS/ZFS/newfs, doesn't work. Tried to run fsck to find the correct magic number, still doesn't work.

I'm thinking that the drive was part of Solaris Volume Manager or Hardware Raid. Any tips on how to verify this and mount the harddrive under solaris?

Best Answer

The Sun-Blade-1500 is a SPARC machine. A Solaris 11 VM (assuming on x86) won't mount a SPARC disk, unless perhaps if it is an EFI disk with ZFS.

Your disk is more likely ufs or vxfs. There is no fdisk partition table on SPARC disks, as they aren't using BIOS. The ID 42 partition is probably just an artifact.

Should you want to try mounting it and assuming you didn't break it with fsck or newfs, you first need to find SPARC hardware, at least if you use Solaris. Linux might be able to read a sun label and mount its big endian ufs although I'm skeptical about it.