How to move the Inetpub\mailroot folder on SMTP Windows Server 2003 where Exchange isn’t installed


Can anybody enlighten me on how to move the C:\Inetpub\mailroot\ directory to a different location i.e. D:\ on a Windows 2003 Server that does not have Exchange installed on it?

The only modifiable directory I can seem to find on the Default SMTP Virtual Server properties IIS is C:\Inetpub\mailroot\Badmail

We have GFI Mail Essentials also installed on this server and it appears when emails are trapped on the quarantine list they actually remain in the C:\Inetpub\mailroot\Queue\ directory opposed to the Quarantine folder that you can actually redirect within GFI and is already configured to point to a directory on the D:\ drive.

Exchange 2010 is installed on a different Windows Server 2008 R2 Server BTW.

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

Use Microsoft Robocopy to mirror the folders and files to the new drive. Be sure to include the NTFS permissions too.

For example, if D:\Inetpub\ doesn't already exist, the following command should work.

robocopy C:\Inetpub\ D:\Inetpub\ /MIR /SEC

Now that the content has been duplicated, change the paths from within the application. You shouldn't have any issue since the content is already at the destination and the file permissions are the same.

Lastly, check if there are any shares associated with the prior file locations. File shares can be reviewed by running the following PowerShell command.

gwmi win32_share | ft -auto

If file shares exist, those will need to be modified to point to the new location and use the same permissions. Easiest to do this manually on a case by case basis.