How to power on a system automatically when AC Power is back and it was powered off properly


I have a system in which I have no access to the power button, so I need it to power on automatically.

I have set the 'restore on AC Power Loss' option and it works fine when I turn off the system abruptly but if I shutdown the system properly (start, shutdown…), there is no way to start it up unless I press the power button.
I have some computers for digital signage (aopen DEx4502) that acts just in this way. Is there any way to replicate this behavior in my system?

Best Answer

this depends on the options your computer's bios setup offers... there is usually an option for the behaviour after an ac power loss, the usual options are: "off", "previous state", or "on".

now your system appears to be configured to remain in the previous state, so when it was shut down, it will remain down, if it was running (and went down tue to power loss), it will start back up.

some bioses do not have the "on" option, in that case your are stuck with building some hardware device that triggers the power on signal when power is restored.

(i read, but have not verified, that a simple capacitor over the power button terminals, parallel to the power button will suffice - it will short the button until it's charged, creating an pulse at power on)