How to prevent IIS from overriding the culture set in ASP.NET


I have a client in the US that wants all time displayed as military time, but everything else is supposed to be US Culture.

In my global.asax I am creating a copy of the US culture and applying the GB time display to create a US culture with Military time.

Reason I am doing this is I could not find a culture capable of it, however if anyone knows, that would be great.

The problem I am running into, is when we deploy the website to IIS (version 6), it all reverts back seemingly to US culture.

Looking up how to change the culture, I found the setting in ASP.NET Tab -> Edit Configuration -> Application Tab

Default value is af-ZA.

There seems to be no option to disable this overriding of culture, and I don't believe af-ZA is right anyways?

Is there a way to prevent IIS from overriding a culture programmatically set in ASP.NET?

Note: Asking here since I'm looking for server side solution, not programming one. Thanks!

Best Answer

This is at least partially a coding question. Basically, you need to create and register your new culture using the CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder class from System.Globalization.

Once registered, you can then choose your new culture within the ASP.Net application settings. (or within the web.config file for your application.)

Here are some references that should get you started: