How to prevent schtasks on Windows 7 from showing the command prompt after executing a task

batchschtasksvbscriptwindows 7

I am trying to get a scheduled task on Windows 7 to execute once a minute, using schtasks and a batch file.

My .bat batch file is:

wscript "c:\http.vbs"

The .vbs script si a simple one, it performs a basic HTTP request:

Function HTTPGet()
End Function

If I run the .bat file from a command prompt, it does its job nice and smooth. But if I try to schedule the .bat, i.e.

schtasks /create /sc minute /tn "HTTPCheck" /tr "C:\HTTPCheck.bat"

I keep seeing the command prompt window for a split second on my screen, each minute.
Is there something I could do to prevent that window from flashing before my eyes?


L.E. I cannot use third party software, I want regular users to be able to run it w/o installing anything.

Long story short, I need to make a HTTP GET request without having the command prompt window pop out on my screen every minute.

Best Answer


I don't know how others choose to do it, but I've used JoeWare's "Quiet" program to spawn hidden (except from taskmgr) batch files in the background.

You could also wrap the batch file (a little funny since it is calling a vbs) inside a vbscript file such as:

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run chr(34) & "C:\HTTPcheck.bat" & Chr(34), 0
Set WshShell = Nothing

The "0" parameter will force it to run hidden.