How to prevent users moving files from a folder that they can edit files in


I have a folder on the SBS 2003 server where I want users to be able to edit files, but not move or delete them.
The files are in Excel. When I removed the delete permission, I couldn't save the files.
I assume this is because Excel deletes the original before writing the new file.
I don't care about the possibility that they select everything in Excel and then hit delete – the deletion and/or moving of the files appears to be accidental.

thanks for the answers, I hadn't thought of using Sharepoint – Shadow Volume has kept me sane so far

Best Answer

I would just enable volume shadow copies and educate the users on how it works. Also, if these are files that multiple users collaborate on, it is best to use SharePoint. SBS 2003 has a decent implementation but upgrading to the free WSS 3.0 would be best. This would also give you version controls and the ability for users to "check out" files. All free and fully supported by Microsoft. No need for 3rd party CVS software unless you have specific requirements. Doesn't sound like you do.

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