How to query Foreman for hosts with a specific Global Parameter


We make some use of the Global Parameters in Foreman, and I need to list all hosts, which have the Global Parameter foo set to "bar".

Can I do that with the REST API or via some other method? Going through the list of API-calls, I do not find anything applicable — is there hope?

Alternatively, I'm thinking of creating a special Puppet-class, which will do nothing but restate the global parameters as its own variables. By making it an exported resource, I may be able to collect the data from all hosts… Seems nasty, however — is there a better way?

Best Answer

Can I do that with the REST API or via some other method? Going through the list of API-calls, I do not find anything applicable -- is there hope?

You want GET /api/v2/hosts (API doc) to retrieve a list of hosts, then add the search parameter to filter the result.

Use to filter for the foo parameter. You can find other search strings through the UI search autocomplete (it's exactly the same syntax) and more information's in Foreman manual: Searching.

So, the full URL to query would be something like:
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