How to reach a device on a different subnet


I have what may seem to be a basic question about routing, but I ask it because I am not sure where to start.

I have a simple network setup:

Client1, Win7,, default gateway is set as
ISA 2006 firewall machine, Server2K3, (South NIC), (North NIC), North's gateway is
ADSL modem router,

I have now purchased a new Belkin WAP, so its default IP is I've plugged it in, and tried to browse a web page to it, but I keep getting a server error 10060: Timeout.

The ISA server has a rule set up to allow all internal traffic to go to the WAP IP. While monitoring traffic going to the WAP IP the connection is opened but then times out with the above error.

Should I be adding a route to the ISA machine? If so, what should it look like? My intention is to simply log on to the administration page of the WAP and then change its IP to one on the 192.168.0 subnet, but at the moment I cannot seem to reach it at all.

Best Answer

Simple solution would be to use a computer to connect to the Access point directly with an ethernet cable. Set IP on the computer to ( for example) and log on to the access point. Make your changes and save them. Reset the IP on the computer and deploy the AP