Nginx – How to Redirect Location Without Changing URL


I am working on a website to display different products, users can access different product page by urls like '', ''

but I don't want to present those static html files directly, instead there is a php script will be loaded first at

so I want to redirect '' to '' but don't change its original url

I tried alias, try_files, return, but all of them rewrite the url to ''

I am new to Nginx, this is probably a very simple question, but I have tried to achieve this for couple of days.

Best Answer

There are so many ways to do it...

The most simple is

rewrite ^/product/ /product.php;

at the server context. Your original request URI (i.e. /product/1.html) will be available for product.php script as $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] array item value.

You can also use rewrite directive at the location context, this can be slightly (very slightly) more performant:

location /product/ {
    rewrite ^ /product.php last;

If you want, you can get product code and pass it to your product.php script as a query argument:

rewrite ^/product/(.*)\.html$ /product.php?product=$1;


location /product/ {
    rewrite ^/product/(.*)\.html$ /product.php?product=$1 last;

This way your product code (1 for the /product/1.html URI, 2 for the /product/2.html URI, etc.) will be available for product.php script as $_GET['product'] array item value.

You can even define an individual FastCGI handler for this:

location /product/ {
    include fastcgi_params;
    fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root/product.php;
    fastcgi_pass <fastcgi_upstream_or_socket>;

(original request URI will be available via $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), or if you want for product code to be available via $_GET['product']:

location ~ /product/(.*)\.html$ {
    include fastcgi_params;
    fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root/product.php;
    fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING product=$1;
    fastcgi_pass <fastcgi_upstream_or_socket>;
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