How to redirect VPN traffic on OS X


I have following problem: I need to connect to VPN and access specific resources (ip addresses). When I connect to VPN all network traffic goes through VPN but in fact I need only specific destinations to be accessed over VPN and the rest of the traffic to go through default route and avoid VPN.

Here is the result of netstat -nr

Before I connect to VPN:

Routing tables

Destination        Gateway            Flags        Refs      Use   Netif Expire
default          UGScI          19        0     en1

After I connect to VPN:

Routing tables

Destination        Gateway            Flags        Refs      Use   Netif Expire
default          UGSc          123     3744    jnc0
default          UGScI          19        0     en1

So as you can see I have 2 default routes after VPN connected.
All internet traffic goes through the first default route which is undesirable behaviour.

Is there a way to set priority for the default route? So all traffic by default doesn't go through VPN but only manually created routes redirect to VPN i.e. sudo route -n add

Best Answer

Yes, you can delete the default route (for the VPN) and then set up new route(s) for only those networks/address that you want to get routed through the VPN. Use sudo route delete to delete routes.