How to register a service with Bonjour


I am trying to start to use Bonjour. Here I found a manual how to register a service with Bonjour. The following is written there:

The network services architecture in
Bonjour includes an easy-to-use
mechanism for publishing, discovering,
and using IP-based services.

Well let's see how to register a service. In the very beginning it is written:

To publish a service, an application
or device must register the service
with a Multicast DNS responder

But how?!?! First of all I do not know what is the Multicast DNS responder. Second, it is not written how do I do it. Where and what should I type? Should I use command line? Should I use some programming languages? What exactly should I type…

Is there an easy way to start to use Bonjour? Well, it was emphasized several times how easy it should be to use it. But I cannot start to use it for several day.

So, can anybody, pleas, help me with that?

Best Answer

you could use something like

mDNS -R myssh _ssh._tcp local 222

which would register ssh on a nonstandard port (222). shows the list of available parameters and further pointers to other documentation.