How to relay SMTP directly from IIS 6.0 Server to Exchange 2003 server


Is it possible to force SMTP mail picked up at an IIS 6.0 server to be sent directly to an Exchange 2003 server on an internal network?

Right now we have a third device in the middle which is being overloaded and delaying mail by 2 or 3 hours. I want to be able to skip the middle device and go directly from IIS to Exchange.

I should clarify the IIS server is also internal. I discovered that this 3rd device didn't get thrown into the mix until our new firewall was turned on last week (just hours before the holiday weekend started no less).

Best Answer

You can have an IIS 6.0 SMTP server send any incoming SMTP directly to another server for delivery. You're looking for at "Smart host".

Your "third device" is probably already configured as the "Smart host". Have a look in the properties for the SMTP server, on the "Delivery" tab, and click "Advanced". Specify the Exchange Server computer's name or IP there and be sure the "Attempt direct delivery before sending to smart host" is unchecked.

Obviously, verify (with TELNET or whatever) that the IIS 6 box can reach the Exchange Server computer's TCP port 25 by the name or IP you've specified above.