How to remove a GPO setting that used a custom ADM


I'm trying to deal with some legacy group policies that applied registry settings using ADM files. I'd like to remove these registry settings and set them up as group policy preferences, but how do I do this if I don't have the original ADM file?

Just to clarify: I'm not concerned about removing the registry tattooing on the client, just removing the custom setting from the GPO itself.

Best Answer

I'm not 100% on how you mean you don't have the original ADM file. I'm assuming it means you don't have them on a local or central store that you have access to. Apologies if I've picked it up wrongly!

You should be able to get the ADM files back taking a backup of the GPO looking in the DomainSysVol\GPO\ADM folder of the backup and picking up a copy of the ADM file from there or alternatively they should be on SYSVOL

\\<domain>\SYSVOL\<domain>\Policies\<Unique ID>\ADM 

Once you know the registry values that are being set you should be able to remove them using the Get-GPRegistryValue PowerShell cmdlet. Running something like

Remove-GPRegistryValue -Name Test -Key HKCU\Software\Mike\Testing

should do the job of removing the entry. I've just done some testing and running the command above changed the entry set by the ADM file back to "Not Configured" for me.