How to Remove SIP or Plus Prefixes from Incoming Calls on FreePBX


How can I remove the "sip:+" (sip plus) prefix from incoming numbers? The number is being cached on my phone, and is an illogical format, so I cannot call that number back.

Best Answer

There are two steps needed to fully remove the "sip:+" prefix...

Removing the Plus Prefix

FreePBX includes a "context" which strips all but the final 10 digits from the CID string. There are several other threads out there, which say to create a custom context, but this is not necessary. On your inbound route, if you change this...


... to this ...


... incoming numbers will be the 10-digit format, which generally works fine in the US.

Removing the SIP Prefix

At least in the Polycom world, the SIP prefix is used in conjunction with URL Dialing. Disabling this feature will cause the "sip:" prefix to not be transmitted to the phone. Here's how it's done for Polycom units...

  1. Select Settings > Endpoint Manager
  2. In the right nav, select "Base File Edit" (under "Advanced")
  3. Select the template to edit
  4. Click the "MAC-Features.cfg" button
  5. Search for the "feature.urlDialing" entry with a "1" value
  6. Change the "1" to "0" (to disable it)
  7. Save your changes
  8. Rebuild the config for your phones
  9. Reboot your phones

A few notes on this...

  • There may be a better way. This is how I did it.
  • In item #5, if you only search for "urlDialing" (and not "feature.urlDialing"), you should find 2 hits for "urlDialing". The first has a value of "PARENT". I would not change this. Search for the next instance, or for the fully qualified "feature.urlDialing", and you'll find the 1 or 0.
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