How to remove the Certificate Enrollment Web Service role


I misunderstood the purpose of the Certificate Enrollment Web Service role, and I installed it by mistake during my first configuration of my new Server Essentials 2016 instance.

Now that I've discovered that I don't need it and would rather not have it, I don't seem to be able to remove it.

Note the disabled checkbox:

enter image description here

I tried running the Uninstall-AdcsEnrollmentWebService command, but I received no feedback indicating success or failure; I simply found myself back at the PowerShell command prompt. The checkbox remains disabled.

I've also tried restarting the server, all to no avail.

How can I remove this role?

Best Answer

In server manager click on the 'Manage' menu and select the 'Remove Roles and Features', not add roles, the 'add roles' option doesn't let you de-select roles. remove role

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